A Slice Of Space
About ASliceOfSpace.com  

Founded by a member of the International Meteorite Collectors Association (# 5967), the Meteoritical Society and the Meteorite Association of Georgia, the goal of asliceofspace.com is to bring the fascination and inspiration locked up in primordial meteorites to the vast majority of the world who have never touched or seen them and probably don’t even know it is possible to own a slice of space.

International Meteorite Collectors Association Member #5967The field of meteoritics is sufficiently complicated that a great deal of study and experience can be required to appreciate and fully understand many if not most or almost all of the classified specimens locked up in museums, scientific institutions and private collections. But the high points are incredible enough for even the casual observer and our products are designed and packaged to maximize the awareness and universal appeal of meteorites to virtually anyone. These expertly prepared and framed specimens are examples of the first solid bodies that formed in our solar system’s earliest moments of development some 4.55 billion years ago, and they are older than Earth itself. They were each recovered in the Sahara desert after having entered our atmosphere at speeds around 15 miles per second and survived a violent, burning passage along the way before slamming into the sandy desert floor and becoming one of the rarest rocks on our planet.

Please use CONTACT US to find a local partner which carries a select few of these unique and rare framed specimens. It is our hope that these beautiful meteorite presentations will provide unparalleled perspective and inspiration to the eyes and minds that meet them.

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